Hello! Think today will be a short and sweet (like me!) picture and comment day. Yesterday was uneventful. Padres win!

Here I am on my Sunday walk in the park. We didn't stay long because it was HOT HOT HOT!
I look pretty good in a floppy hat!
Unlike other people (Mommy & Daddy) I enjoy being out in this weather for a little while. I know, weird kid.
Stupid blogger program. Won't upload another picture!!!! Why! Don't know. Someone call
TECH SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here I am on my Sunday walk in the park. We didn't stay long because it was HOT HOT HOT!
I look pretty good in a floppy hat!
Unlike other people (Mommy & Daddy) I enjoy being out in this weather for a little while. I know, weird kid.
Stupid blogger program. Won't upload another picture!!!! Why! Don't know. Someone call
TECH SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No fair -- only one picture! But you're right, you're pretty cute in a floppy hat :) Tell Daddy to call Tech Support only if he speaks Farsi, otherwise, waste of time. Love you lots & lots!
Speaking of stupid blogger programs -- I posted a comment, but it never showed up. However, now that I'm posting another comment, it magically appeared to the left. But when I go back to the original post -- nothing! Talk about weird.
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
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