At least I saw some history. Nah, who I am kidding. That stunk like a day old diaper. I just don't know what to say. So let's just look at some pictures. (For those of you who don't know what I am talking about, I am talking about the ugly Padres loss to the Dodgers. The hated Dodgers)

Un-freaking-believable is what that was. I couldn't even get to sleep last night. I hope they made Adkins, Hoffman & Seanez hitchhike home. But I'm better this morning -- in the long run, it was just one game. (A HUGE UNBELIEVABLY IMPORTANT GAME, but just one, nonetheless.) If you had told me after Friday's game that we would end up splitting the series, I would have been happy. But it was in our grasp, and we coughed it up. And what's with Jake? Well, anyway, hope it didn't make you too cranky. We have to think positive thoughts for the rest of the season. Love you lots & lots XOXOXOXOXOX (very handsome pictures, by the way -- when are you going to pose for the professionals? hint hint hint)
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