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Hello everyone. I am writing today because Matthew isn't feeling well today. The picture above is one of the few happy moments of Friday. His mother and I are not sure if it is related to getting the shots, but I read that it is quite common for an infant to be lethargic after getting shots. He ate fine today, just not quite as often.
He also slept ALOT today. He has been given some children's tylenol per doctor's instructions. I am sure Saturday will bring the happy Matthew that he typically is. He will report on his day as scheduled on Sunday.
PS - Here is a picture we did manage to get of him today in another brief happy moment with his new walker. He can't walk, but he enjoys standing.

PPS - Maybe the Padres caught the same lethargy.
Hope you're feeling better, sweet pea. (I can call you things like that when you're not feeling well; you can't fight back!) Shots are a big pain in the (insert appropriate body part here), but at least they're over quickly. (Unlike the dentist, but that's another NOT COOL experience that lies ahead of you.) Padres better snap out of it or they're going to be in big trouble. Guess I'm not doing my part in sending off positive energy; I'll try to do better tonight! Love you lots -- XOXOXOX
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