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This weekend was a bit of blur to me. First thing I must say is that Daddy should learn how to blog. He was SOOOO boring.
Saturday was okay. I was recovering still, but the Padres won, so that was SUPER COOL! Oh yeah, SU won too. I try to not sound shocked, but I am.
I got some pictures from Castaic Lake from Gramma. Here are 2 of my favorites.
Poppa is funny!
What the heck is Daddy looking at?
Keep 'em there Jake!

Daddy is making me laugh. He thinks it is because he is tickling me. But really it is his face. He is really funny looking.
That weekend was fun. Can't wait to do it again.
I didn't post on Sunday as Daddy said because I was up early to go on a trip with mi abuela. We went to Santa Barbara. I had fun. My favorite part was the visit to the Spanish Mission. I thought everything was awesome. I just stared and stared.

This exhibit on Candle Making amazed me. I don't know why, but it did.
Most of the exhibits did.

I just kept pointing at all the stuff behind the glass. Making my noises to show how much I know about early California history.
It was a fun time!
I wasn't very cranky at all.
Until I got home. Then Daddy told me the great news about the Padres, then fantastic Charger news...then he revealed how poorly I did in my picks.
CRANKY TIME! He made me do it on Friday & Saturday. I wasn't feeling well. It's all Daddy's fault (I am getting used to saying that!)
Until tomorrow, Love to EVERYONE.
Saturday was okay. I was recovering still, but the Padres won, so that was SUPER COOL! Oh yeah, SU won too. I try to not sound shocked, but I am.
I got some pictures from Castaic Lake from Gramma. Here are 2 of my favorites.

What the heck is Daddy looking at?
Keep 'em there Jake!

Daddy is making me laugh. He thinks it is because he is tickling me. But really it is his face. He is really funny looking.
That weekend was fun. Can't wait to do it again.
I didn't post on Sunday as Daddy said because I was up early to go on a trip with mi abuela. We went to Santa Barbara. I had fun. My favorite part was the visit to the Spanish Mission. I thought everything was awesome. I just stared and stared.

This exhibit on Candle Making amazed me. I don't know why, but it did.
Most of the exhibits did.

I just kept pointing at all the stuff behind the glass. Making my noises to show how much I know about early California history.
It was a fun time!
I wasn't very cranky at all.
Until I got home. Then Daddy told me the great news about the Padres, then fantastic Charger news...then he revealed how poorly I did in my picks.
CRANKY TIME! He made me do it on Friday & Saturday. I wasn't feeling well. It's all Daddy's fault (I am getting used to saying that!)
Until tomorrow, Love to EVERYONE.
Glad you're feeling better, little man! Sounds like a great time in Santa Barbara (do you know that if your fingers are just a little off Santa becomes Satan??) Sorry about your picks, but there are no excuses in the KFT! (Besides, it's a long season -- you have lots of time to make a comeback.) I have to be short this morning; they're turning our power off in a little bit so they can make some repairs. (our whole neighborhood, not just us, no worries.) Love you XOXOXOXO
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