Little Man's Journey
Daily Journal of Life
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
First Earthquake - now car problems!
So if the earthquake and the 59 aftershocks were not enough, the car battery died!
So Daddy called AAA and a really nice guy came and replaced the battery and it is all good now.
Oops, there goes #60!
Most are so small you can't feel them...but still crazy day.
Happy Birthday Gracie!
Woo hoo!
Grace is eight
give her some chocolate cake
eight is great
she beats her mom at crazy eights!
love you gracie the pooh!
WHOA. That was crazy.
Pretty weird feeling to have everything rumbling around you. Everyone is safe and everything seems okay.
A couple aftershocks hitting too.
More later.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Try Try Again
I am really trying to convince Daddy to let me just post everyday, but he insists that I need his help we post whenever he can.
Not a whole bunch happening around here. I am adding many new words to my vocabulary, but none of them english OR spanish! I speak Matthewnese.
I spend a lot of my day riding my school bus that Gramma & Poppa K got me. The rest of the time I am chasing the new kitty or chasing doggin (monique)
I am starting to enjoy the Wiggles...oh no!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Rough Night
I did not sleep well last night at all!

Here is a blurry picture with me & my car. Daddy wouldn't open the garage door so I could take a drive. Mean Daddy!
Not sure what we have planned for today...hopefully not much. Most likely not nearly as exciting as the big adventure over at Kick Back . But I bet I drove further than Aunt Amy did yesterday!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Not much to report. I still love saying NO to everything, but I do sprinkle in the occasional "yesh" from time to time.

I love the new kitty in our house. We have started calling him Anubi after the Egyptian cat gods. (Encore keeps showing The Mummy over and over and over...but I can't stop watching)
Here is Anubi giving fat Jackson some lovin'

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Getting There
Not much new going on here, just getting used to Daddy's overnight schedule again.

Here I am with my cousin Grace on the 4th of July. Fun times!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Whew, the fireworks on the 4th!

No, not those. I mean mine!
I had a really busy/fun/scary 4th of July.
The fun part was hanging out in San Diego with Poppa, Gramma, Aunt Amy, Uncle Gary, Uncle Jason, Sarah, Justin, and Gracie!
It was warm, but we stayed cool in the pool

Check out Monique in the background! I hope she isn't sticking her tongue out at me!
The day was fun, celebrating Aunt Amy & Poppa's birthday. Everything was fine until dinner when Daddy gave me some fish and then I started crying terribly.
Was it a bone? Did I bite my own tongue? Can't say, but I hurt bad, and everyone in town knows it! I was loud and did not want anyone to look in my mouth. It was hard for Mommy & Daddy. After what seemed like forever I felt better.
Then the fireworks in the sky came and that was cool.
Friday, July 04, 2008
Happy Birthday USA!
Woo hoo! Fireworks and cookouts and family time!
Just what I needed!
Happy Birthday USA.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Happy Birthday Aunt Amy!
Although today is her official birthday, we are celebrating it tomorrow in Santee!!
We will also be celebrating Poppa K's birthday early and USA's exactly on time.
We all love Aunt Amy very much and wish she wasn't allergic to cats so she could visit :(
I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
And introducing....

Any other names out there?
At any rate, he is our newest rescue. He was proving difficult to catch for many nights, then one night Mommy got him to start meowing and playing. Then Daddy continued to play with him until he got close enough and Daddy just scooped him up!
I haven't seen too much of him yet, he is too shy.
Well Daddy working overnight again is messing with my routine. At least this Friday we get to travel to San Diego to see Kobus/Pickard families before their big trip.