Little Man's Journey

Daily Journal of Life

Friday, August 31, 2007


Here is one view of my newest masterpiece.....
And a close up (not to mention upside down view) I also included some body art for you all.

Okay, the phone is ringing and it MUST be my agent.....

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hanging out with my Dad

just posting a quick hello. we are at the dentist for mommy right now. it was too boring in the waiting room so Daddy and I are in the car listening to music and playing catch. eating too of course!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Great Grandma is Here!

Spent the last couple days hanging out with Mommy's family. We had a lot of fun. I am talking a whole bunch, but nothing that anyone understands. SUPER FRUSTRATING!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Where Did Yesterday Go?

Man, time flies when you have no idea what time is.

Not much new here. Just eagerly awaiting the arrival of mommy's abuela from Chile!

I spend most of the day chasing the kitties around the house, changing the channel on the TV, or simply banging my hands against the TV screen.

All very much fun!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Me & Me Daddy

Yesterday I did a lot of drawing. Not so much on the paper, but the body art looks cool. Daddy will hopefully get a picture of it so I can put it up. We have washable markers....but they are not so washable!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


How is everyone doing?

Yesterday we went shoe shopping and everyone had to stop by and say hello to me. I will say I like being able to walk around because sometimes shoes are boring.

We also went to the car wash. I did not like that very much.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Eating Fun!

What does everyone think of my haircut?

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Spending The Night At Abuela's

Cool! I get to spend the day at abuela and the new puppy!

Hopefully I will have some pictures to show tomorrow.

This walking around thing is nice...the falling down not so much.

Friday, August 17, 2007

One Year Of Blogs!

Yup, 365 blogs have been done by little ol' me!

Cool. Okay, so yesterday I had one of those moments that Daddy really wished he had the camera rolling. It was right out of the 3 stooges. I stepped on a super bouncy ball and slipped up in the air and landed on my butt. I was so shocked I didn't cry. Daddy tried hard not to laugh, but I threw the ball at him.

We had another earthquake here yesterday, but just a baby one. I didn't even notice.

Okay, Happy Friday!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Love Lasagna!

Found yet another food to add to my favorite list...LASAGNA!

It is very yummy as long as it is not too hot. Kind of like the weather, too hot and yucky. But the AC is working so I can enjoy running around the house. Getting pretty good too. Not too much falling down.

A new game I love to play is throw the ball and see if Calvin will get it. And, when I throw it I say "Ugh". Mommy & Daddy laugh...I don't know why.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Took A Break

Hope no one minds, but I needed a few days. It was really hot around here and we didn't do much to write about.

I did go to Santa Barbara with abuela. We went to the beach. It was fun, but sand is weird!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Blogging Old School

The problem with this style of blogging is getting onto the Internet!

Spent the day with abuela. We baby sat for a new puppy. So cute! Almost as cute as me!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Slept Horribly!

Couldn't tell you if I was hot or cold or hungry or anything....just kept waking up. Again and Again and Again.

Bad Mood Day!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Shake, Rattle & Roll!

It takes more than a 4.5 earthquake to wake me up I guess! I missed my first big one....pooh!

The day was okay. I am really wearing mommy down during the day. Poor Mommy and her toe. Thanks to Gramma K for the card for Mommy. It was cute! Not as cute as me, but still cute.

Daddy was working during the earthquake and he said it was kinda scary. The building was built to roll back and forth during a quake, and it certainly did. Daddy was knocked down....crazy! Still, I felt nothing.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Happy Anniversary Gramma & Poppa K

I am not sure what it is, but it sure sounds important!

My latest update is all about my new found mobility. The furries can't stand it! Mommy even put Monique in my crib last night to protect her from me!

At least all this running around tires me out so I sleep better at night. Mommy sure appreciates that!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Walking Around = Falling Down

This is abuela's kitty Isabella and me writing today's entry. As you can see I was thinking about what should go next.

Basically the only thing going on around here is a constant falling down, learning what things can be stepped on without falling, and what things cannot. Having successfully figured out how to get upstairs without harm, the new challenge is getting down without scaring Mommy & Daddy.

Monday, August 06, 2007


Friday, August 03, 2007

Come On Down!

Great Grandma Raner would love to know that I LOVE the Price Is Right!
This picture has nothing to do with the show, but it does show me doing my favorite thing...eating!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Bad Timing?

So with Mommy hobbled by a broken toe I decided yesterday would be the day that I start walking around the house all by myself!

Yup, and crawling up the stairs too! Chasing all the furries around. Mommy can't keep up, so it was a rough night.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Whole Lot Of Nothin'

Not much going on here. Kind of cranky today, but that's pretty normal for me. Talk to everyone later.