Hurts So Good?

Anyway, this is us waiting in the car for Mommy so we could do a little shopping. This is also before my little incident.
A little background first - I have a recent obsession with bats. I have 2. According to Mommy & Daddy they hurt when I hit them. It has resulted in a few "time outs" but still I swing! So after dinner I was walking around the house (in one shoe only - a new nickname? One Shoe BuBu?) swinging my bat, having fun, being a kid.
When...all of a sudden my purple sand pail jumped out of the toy box and I swung, HARD! A direct hit! Result = pail popped up and knocked me in the forehead...big purple welt.
I would say live and learn, but I know I probably will do it again.
Check out my Aunt Amy's new blog Kick Back Road Expedition...sounds like a fun trip. Can't wait until it is my turn!