Hurts So Good?

Anyway, this is us waiting in the car for Mommy so we could do a little shopping. This is also before my little incident.
A little background first - I have a recent obsession with bats. I have 2. According to Mommy & Daddy they hurt when I hit them. It has resulted in a few "time outs" but still I swing! So after dinner I was walking around the house (in one shoe only - a new nickname? One Shoe BuBu?) swinging my bat, having fun, being a kid.
When...all of a sudden my purple sand pail jumped out of the toy box and I swung, HARD! A direct hit! Result = pail popped up and knocked me in the forehead...big purple welt.
I would say live and learn, but I know I probably will do it again.
Check out my Aunt Amy's new blog Kick Back Road Expedition...sounds like a fun trip. Can't wait until it is my turn!
Thatta boy! How about "Shoeless Joe Bubu"? Heck, with that name he could have a role in the next Star Wars movie!
Hey -- Uncle Jason beat me! What's up with that? Looks like you do way more damage with a bat than the Padres! Better to play with one shoe than one arm! (Which is the way they bat for the most part.) Anyway, hope you're feeling better and learned your lesson about hitting things with bats. Probably not, but we can hope! How does Daddy like his new phone? I don't know about "crackberry" but I guess it's better than being a "blackhead"! I'd say you'll appreciate it all this when you're older and reading back over your blog, but I'm pretty sure you'll still think we're all a little weird. But we can't wait for it to be your turn to come on a Kick Back Expedition :) When?? You and Mommy could come with us this time -- Daddy would be fine! (Ha ha) Love you! XOXO XOOX OX OX OXOOXOX OX OXOXOOX OXOOX OOXOXOXO
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