Here I am last night on a very important mission...save the feral cats! I feel like a member of the Wonderpets! Behind our house there is around 7 cats ranging in age from 2 months to a couple years. Mommy and Daddy have been leaving them food and water for awhile now, but we now decided, with help from Mommy's new friend Sue, to rescue the kitties and find them homes.
Well last night, on our first try, we trapped one and brought him home

And there he is! Looks alot like Jackson and Hobbes...but much MUCH skinnier. He is very afraid so Mommy & Daddy will not let anyone near him.
Rescuing him made Mommy happy. Made me feel a little better about the Chargers losing....but didn't help Daddy at all. Weird dude that guy.
So if anyone knows someone who would like a cat, or knows a group that can foster cats, please let us know!