Little Man's Journey

Daily Journal of Life

Friday, March 20, 2009

Deep in thought

Hmm, what should I watch now?
Oh, yes, I know - George! (parental note - Curious George)
Mommy & Daddy say I am talking alot more now. I am, but not always to them. Just out loud, I like the sound of my own voice.
Not liking this warmer weather....sweating is NOT fun.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Uh, yes? Can i help you?

So whatcha want?
Not much new going on here, just lots of work for Daddy, lots of trouble for Mommy (hey, I am at the age of whining and tantrums)
But I am having a good long as I can do what I want.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Getting Bigger

Here I am all ready to go shopping. I wasn't too thrilled to go, but had a good time once we got there. I know it has been awhile since I have had some pictures, so yes, that is a new haircut.

When will the rain stop?

Sunday, March 01, 2009


What's all this Facebowl talk about?

Oh, FaceBook! Whatever.

This is one of my reactions to losing a videogame that I play.

Daddy is very impressed that I learned how to play this game all by myself with no help from Mommy or Daddy. I am not very good, but I am trying.