Little Man's Journey

Daily Journal of Life

Monday, July 10, 2006

Fun Sunday!

I had a great time yesterday with mi abuela. I spent the whole day with her! She came over to my house and picked me up at 7 am. We went for a walk in the park (needed to get there early before it got hot). The park is near her house in Glendale, so that meant a fun drive first!

When we got there I was super excited. I kept gurgling and looking all around, soaking everything up. I am not sure how long we were there, but I was only happy if we were moving. When we stopped to rest I got bored. Realized yesterday that Daddy forgot to pack my hat, (do I even have a hat?) Anyway, I had sunscreen, but not on my head, so I needed to be shielded from the sun alot.
I thought I was going home after that, but when I woke up from the drive I was at abuela's house. She has cats too! One of them hissed at me...she was jealous. While at the house I discovered a guitar in the house, and LOVED IT. It made me smile and laugh.

Then I got tired, ate a little, had what was described as "atomic poop", and then fell asleep. I woke up at the grocery store, but not my normal one, so that was new.

Finally got home to Mommy & Daddy around 6 or 7 pm!! Mommy & Daddy were sad when I first left, then decided to take advantage and went shopping all around the valley. I am glad I missed that. The driving is cool, but the constant stopping and going in would have frustrated all of us. I got a new outfit, but it is a little big, maybe next month.

I fell asleep around 7:30, and stayed asleep until 2:30 am. What a day!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Matthew! Glad you had a great time with your abuela -- but I'm so jealous! Can't wait until you spend the day with me and Poppa. Hope Mommy and Daddy had a relaxing day, but I bet they missed you like crazy. All my love to all of you :)

9:31 AM  

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