And The Doctor Said...

Nothing. The white dots are nothing. No teeth, no cysts, no thrush, no problem.
Hmm. But I did gain another pound.
Speaking of weight, did everybody see the story of the baby weighing in at 14 pounds at birth! Bizarre. Check it here .
Not much else going on here. I was cranky while getting ready for the doctor, but many people are. Oh, yeah, I also found a new song
"Wouldn't It Be Nice" by The Beach Boys. I smiled and laughed the moment Daddy played it. I react to certain songs very strongly. I am an odd boy.
Oh, and I would like to say hello to my Chinese friend, and wish her good luck at college.
Hi bright eyes! Glad the doctor visit went well; hope Mommy and Daddy are more relaxed now. I don't think it's odd that you react strongly to music -- I think it's in your genes. I like that you seem to like all kinds of music; so far, I really like your taste too. I need to add some songs to the CD Aunt Amy made for me, I'm way behind. Poppa and I are working on our trip to Castaic Lake, so we hope to see you soon :) Love ya lots!
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