Welcome To My Life

Hello World!
My name is Matthew Livio Kobus. I am 19 days old today. It took my Daddy some time to set this up, seeing how he is very busy with feeding me, changing me, trying to get me to sleep, and oh yes, work too. (But no matter how busy he is, Mommy is MUCH busier!)
I was born on May 7, 2006 in Burbank, CA. Mommy & Daddy were a little scared, but I knew what I was doing. My first few days were tiring. So many new people came to see me, but mainly I slept through their visits. I can't wait to see them all again. I would name everyone who came, but it is such a blur, I don't want to forget anyone, so I will say THANK YOU TO EVERYONE.
Since coming home from the hospital I have kept to my routine of eating, sleeping, and needing a diaper change. (Except at night, when I just want to scream HELLO to the world.) Also I have been fortunate enough to see both my Grandmas and even my Great-Grandma from Chile! I have also made my first road trip. We went to Castaic Lake where I saw my Poppa Kobus and my two cousins (Justin & Grace). It was fun...I pooped on Daddy!
I am a little confused by all the languages in the house right now. There is english, spanish, dog, cat, and my native tongues, baby giggles and grunts.
Our house has one dog (Monique) and 4 cats (Jackson, Luna, Calvin, and Hobbes). Monique and Jackson spend lots of time near me. Luna doesn't seem to care too much, while Calvin & Hobbes are afraid of me. :(
Daddy says it is time to go right now, so check back everyday, as I will try to keep a daily update of My Life. You can send me questions or comments to matthewkobus@gmail.com
Oh yeah, my umbilical cord fell off yesterday! Is that gross or cool?
So glad that you're here, Matthew. I'm sure that you make your Mom & Dad really proud. Take it easy on them, okay. It's their first time at this. Before long, they'll be experts and you won't have to worry about it anymore.
By the way, I work with your daddy's and I used to work with your mommy! That's how I know you.
Have fun little guy! Bye for now!
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